• Staggered

    A grey day makes for stark contrasts in this apartment building near St. Lawrence Market. This shot is on my to-print list for 2019. Big. Big white mat, stark black frame. If you want it on your wall, please be in touch! Let’s create something cool.

  • Drying Tapis

    Walking near the Place de la Comedie, the center of the action in Montpellier, on a beautiful September afternoon.

  • Worn Facade

    The deserted streets of Dalanzadgad. Most of the desert town’s residents were in the nearby stadium celebrating Naadam.

  • Hazy Apartment

    A nearby apartment building, obscured in the afternoon haze, in Jurong.

  • Apartments

    Some of the nearly-infinite symmetry of the high-rise apartment buildings of Ulaanbaatar.

  • Vintage Seine

    From my old slide archives, a reinterpretation of a look at the Left Bank.

  • Escapes

    Somewhere in Chelsea, shot from atop the High Line Park.

  • Balcony

    Thinking of this view from Nice on a dreary December day.

  • Apartment Walls

    A facade along Bloor near the University of Toronto.

  • Junctions

    Where parking garage meets apartments. The Marina City buildings in downtown Chicago circa 1997, processed from an old film scan. These are the buildings on the cover of Wilco’s “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” album.

  • Stacked

    A residential tower on Younge Street, near College.

  • Sao Paulo Kaliedoscope

    My first attempt at a kaliedoscopic technique of a cityscape, using the view from the courtyard of the São Paulo Museum of Art.

  • Staggered Windows

    On a walking tour of a trendy neighborhood near Avenue Paulista and the impressive São Paulo Museum of Art.

  • Window Lights

    Another in my series taken from Toronto’s Park Hyatt, these buildings are somewhere around Yonge and College.

  • Looking Downtown

    Aiming south from 18 floors above Bloor St West, the buildings of Toronto’s financial district are still quite active after midnight.