• Nyagatare Kids

    Some of the bystanders during a visit to a women’s farming cooperative in western Rwanda.

  • The Well - Likalawe Village, Malawi

    The Well

    A young woman pumps water from Likalawe’s well.

  • Smiling Kids

    Some of the smiling kids in the village, excited to talk to their visitors.

  • Clinic Mother

    A mother with her children after the mobile outreach clinic in Likalawe Village, Malawi.

  • Waiting Mothers

    Just outside the main room of the Pediatric Ward, two mothers wait with their children.

  • The School Under The Tree

    Beyond the central hospitals and district facilities of Malawi, there are “Healthy Centers.” These rural outposts serve thousands in extraordinarily resource-challenged settings. Yesterday’s visit to Migowi was to a Healthy Center, where just a handful of nurses and staff are the only healthcare providers available for a catchment area of hundreds of square kilometers.