• Boarding

    An abandoned newspaper in a boarding area of Chinggis Khaan International, as passengers wait (and wait) to depart for Dalanzadgad.

  • Behind the Falls

    Nearing the end of the trail on the Brazil side of the falls, a glimpse behind the water. This perspective is from the top left corner of the Devil’s Throat photo.

  • Cite

    The Cité Metro station and its entrance up to Place Louis Lépine, in the center of Paris.

  • The Newest Bridge

    On the eastern side of Paris, near the Gare de Austerlitz, is Paris’ newest bridge. Named the Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir, in honour of the French existentialist author, philosopher and theorist, the award-winning 190m bridge spans the Seine at the site of the new national library.

  • Frigid Falls

    New Year’s Day meant a long drive from Toronto to Baltimore. It was a slight detour to visit the Falls, but worth the diversion to spend a few hours walking along the water.

  • Distillery Truck

    A 5-shot HDR composite, taken in the Distillery District about 4pm.

  • Crooked Doors

    It would have been easy to spend an hour or two exploring the various angles of this great old barn. The details of the wood grain are hard to see, but I hope to have more from this series and this trip.

  • 51st and Lexington

    One of the shots from an all-too-brief (work) trip to New York. Taken shortly after a rainstorm, just outside my hotel. This is an HDR composite of 7 shots.

  • Bridge and Hill

    In reviewing the photos from this trip, I found several that I never got around to editing. This is the first from that “new” group.

  • Back to Basics

    I awake to long blasts of the ship’s horn. Figuring the ferry is pulling into one of the first stops, I grab my camera and head above deck. Expecting to see Ios or Naxos, I instead recognize the rock walls and caldera of Santorini, the last stop. Passengers are pulling luggage through the halls and toward their cars on the vehicle deck. A family is applying suncreen at the stairs to the exit. It’s not yet 8 am but I’m not the only one salivating for gyros on shore.

  • “Orange Juice, Coca Cola, Yes, Please!”

    The internal debate over the precise details of my Athens itinerary continues right through the airplane’s descent into the city. Stay a night, see the sights then move over the horizon to the islands? Or pack in a days’ worth of photography and hyperaggrivation and take an overnight ferry to gyros paradise?