• Mountains and Desert

    The craggy, green emptiness of the Gobi, in a National Park a few hours from Dalanzadgad.

  • The Coming Storm

    In the late afternoon light, we race across the South Gobi to reach Dalanzadgad before the sky rips open.

  • Gobi Outpost

    A solitary settlement amidst the low dunes of the Gobi Desert, just outside Dalanzadgad, Mongolia. All the essentials (left to right): mean guard dog (who chased our Hummer), ger, motorbike, truck, another motorbike.

  • Dark Sands

    The dunes of Mongolia, a few hours drive from Dalanzadgad.

  • Gobi Sky

    There were many shots out the window of moving cars on this trip, but this continues to be one of my favourites. Also, it was out the window of our Hummer.

  • No Rain

    In the Atacama Desert of Bolivia, distant clouds gather above a peak. It’s high altitude and very very dry.