• Toward Tenth

    Descending from the High Line in Chelsea.

  • Escapes

    Somewhere in Chelsea, shot from atop the High Line Park.

  • Reflections

    A view of (and through) some of the windows of Frank Gehry’s IAC Headquarters, seen from the High Line Park in Chelsea.

  • Alternating Air

    Air conditioning units alternate up the side of this building along the High Line Park. Reflected in the bottom window are the windows of the building from a few days ago, at 10th Ave and 25th St.

  • Wavy Facade

    A building evoking architect Frank Gehry and his curved cladding, on West 23rd Street along the High Line Park. Update: This building is architect Neil Denari’s first multistory project in the United States. Frank Gehry’s new building is just to the south of this.

  • Windows

    Taken from the High Line Park at 10th Ave and 25th St.

  • Windows and Stairs

    Seen looking east from the High Line Park, somewhere near 18th Street.

  • High Line

    Set on a 1.6km section of elevated subway track converted to a greenway, the High Line Park is one of my favourite things in New York. With great views, of both the city and in the nearby galleries of Chelsea, the setting is a great collection of juxtapositions that seems to define the entire town.