• The Lion

    On guard at the water’s edge of Beijing’s Summer Palace.

  • Poses

    Gargoyle sculptures atop Notre Dame.

  • Gargoyle

    Looking down on the city from Notre Dame.

  • Lookout

    A sculpture looks to the southwest from its perch atop Notre Dame.

  • Heroes’ Planet

    From Heroes Square in Budapest, this is a different take on a nighttime 360-degree panorama, using the “mini-planet” technique. The original is extremely large (583 megapixels – over 8 feet square if printed at 300 DPI), so it’s difficult to display on screen and still keep sharp. A challenge (and learning experience) to shoot — I plan for there to be more.

  • Gargoyle 2 - Notre Dame, Paris, France

    What this trip needs is MORE COWBELL

    June 24th had slipped my mind. Across France, towns explode with the sound of music in the streets. And there are few accordions to be found. Last year on this date, I was in the southern town of Perpignan, where stages dotted block after city block, filling the city with rock, rap, jazz and curious performances best classified as “Noise.” But throughout Paris’ Latin Quarter this year, straight-ahead rock rules the day. Indie kids bang out Police covers with mangled English lyrics, others offer rambling guitar scenes conjuring the best and worst of Jerry Garcia and on other stages, serious, extended riff sessions abound, transcending all the languages spoken in the audience: everyone present understands loud. Including those of us lucky to have a hotel window within earshot of a stage. Or three stages

  • Duo Concerto - Krakow, Poland

    The Man Who Stopped the Sun

    The massive, grey odes to Communist architecture are everywhere. The central train station, dark, depressing and dirty, is gargantuan, like its own underground Gotham City. It’s a labrynth of snack shops, clothing stores, internet cafes. While the blocky buildings give Warsaw a distinct historical style, modernity is moving quickly to catch up.