• Stairs, Tiles and Train

    My previous wanderings around the Toronto transit system had never really included the Spadina-Downsview section of the map. Lots of interesting locations out there, including this from Dupont Station.

  • Snowy Subway

    Outside the Navy Archives/Penn Quarter Metro station after a few hours of snowfall.

  • Eastbound on Sheppard

    The bouncing and rattling of the older model subway car on the Sheppard line wasn’t conducive to smooth long-exposure photos. In all, it took more than 50 attempts to get 2 that I’m happy with.

  • Kipling Bound

    Train storage and maintenance yard on the east side of the Bloor line.

  • Mini Subway

    The tilt-shift technique of faux-miniaturization has seen a lot of use in the past year, with amazing still subjects and short films like The Sandpit. So while my wheels are turning to shoot my own tilt-shift film, I’ve been looking for locations to give it a try. This overpass near Eglington West was a great location to catch cars and trains. Too bad I ran out of daylight.

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