• Off the Grid

    25 stories above Denver, looking out from my hotel window (which actually opens).

  • Apartments

    Some of the nearly-infinite symmetry of the high-rise apartment buildings of Ulaanbaatar.

  • Summer View

    Out my hotel window on a June day, in the 5th arrondissement.

  • Front Door

    On a warm summer day in Normandy.

  • Rue Ste Helene

    Continuing my series of night shots from the streets of Lyon.

  • Escapes

    Somewhere in Chelsea, shot from atop the High Line Park.

  • Window Vines

    More from the mysterious abandoned building near Cherry Beach.

  • Reflections

    A view of (and through) some of the windows of Frank Gehry’s IAC Headquarters, seen from the High Line Park in Chelsea.

  • Split

    A slab of rusted metal bisects the facade of a building near Cherry Beach.

  • Escalator View

    While riding downward from the viewpoint a few floors above, a look toward the courtyard.

  • Cobblestones and Lamps

    I recognized the location. I had stumbled onto a photo taken on this street, a portrait, against the wall between the windows on the left, and I knew exactly where it was taken. So I dug into the archive and found this from 2008.

  • Glass Towers

    Looking northwest in lower Manhattan.

  • Number 89

    From my brief walking tour around Amsterdam in 2012, this was taken just steps from the Boats, Houses, Houseboats shot.

  • Number 25

    Another quiet street, near where Shutters was taken.

  • Shutters

    Around midnight on the streets of Lyon.

  • Sao Paulo Kaliedoscope

    My first attempt at a kaliedoscopic technique of a cityscape, using the view from the courtyard of the São Paulo Museum of Art.

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