Off the Grid
25 stories above Denver, looking out from my hotel window (which actually opens).
25 stories above Denver, looking out from my hotel window (which actually opens).
Looking in the window of a New York City hair salon.
Some of the nearly-infinite symmetry of the high-rise apartment buildings of Ulaanbaatar.
Out my hotel window on a June day, in the 5th arrondissement.
On a warm summer day in Normandy.
Continuing my series of night shots from the streets of Lyon.
Near Cherry Beach.
Somewhere in Chelsea, shot from atop the High Line Park.
More from the mysterious abandoned building near Cherry Beach.
A view of (and through) some of the windows of Frank Gehry’s IAC Headquarters, seen from the High Line Park in Chelsea.
A slab of rusted metal bisects the facade of a building near Cherry Beach.
While riding downward from the viewpoint a few floors above, a look toward the courtyard.
On the streets of Lyon.
I recognized the location. I had stumbled onto a photo taken on this street, a portrait, against the wall between the windows on the left, and I knew exactly where it was taken. So I dug into the archive and found this from 2008.
Looking northwest in lower Manhattan.
From my brief walking tour around Amsterdam in 2012, this was taken just steps from the Boats, Houses, Houseboats shot.
A quiet Lyon intersection at 2am.
Another quiet street, near where Shutters was taken.
Around midnight on the streets of Lyon.
My first attempt at a kaliedoscopic technique of a cityscape, using the view from the courtyard of the São Paulo Museum of Art.