Closed Tower
Revisiting an old shot that I originally took on my first day in Paris, back in February, 2000. This version, now digital, came on a day that the tower was closed to the public. And in all my trips to the city, I still haven’t been up.
Revisiting an old shot that I originally took on my first day in Paris, back in February, 2000. This version, now digital, came on a day that the tower was closed to the public. And in all my trips to the city, I still haven’t been up.
Looking up from the south side of the Flatiron Building.
The westbound platform of the Amtrak station in Harper’s Ferry, looking toward the Potomac River just after sunset.
The landmark Toronto building.
Looking up on a grey day in Toronto.
From my old slide archives, a reinterpretation of a look at the Left Bank.
Somewhere in Chelsea, shot from atop the High Line Park.
A view of (and through) some of the windows of Frank Gehry’s IAC Headquarters, seen from the High Line Park in Chelsea.
Thinking of this view from Nice on a dreary December day.
Warm afternoon sun in the stairway, looking up toward where these bikes were stored.
A facade along Bloor near the University of Toronto.
While riding downward from the viewpoint a few floors above, a look toward the courtyard.
A detail of the famous Cherry Street Bridge.
A long view of the different floors of the Louvre’s Richelieu wing, with modern architecture that’s an unmistakable nod to Louis Kahn and his geometric features.
Looking down on an empty plaza, from the top of the Centre Pompidou.
From the Pont des Arts, looking south, the Bibliothèque Mazarine. Established in 1643 by the physician Naudé and named for the Cardinal, France’s first public library contained nearly 40,000 items by 1652.
Gustave’s radio transmission tower on a cold January evening.
Looking up in the nave of the Bayeux Cathedral, built in 1077.
The Cherry Street Bridge, opened in 1931 and officially known as Cherry Street Strauss Trunnion Bascule Bridge. But less well-known is that it was designed by Joseph Strauss, designer of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.
Shoppers at Le Bon Marche in Paris.