Bridge Watcher
Out the window of the car near Jurong, China.
Out the window of the car near Jurong, China.
A late-night laundry, overseen by a stuffed parrot.
After a day of hunting mushrooms and eating, a walk around the tiny town of Isona.
At a small store beside the lake of Beijing’s Summer Palace, a couple of opposites.
As the remaining minutes of the afternoon were overtaken by a clear night sky in Beijing, the swirling mass of people buying tickets never stopped. Hundreds, thousands streaming by. Except for one man on his phone.
In an economically disadvantaged neighbourhood of New Delhi, a film crew draws an interested crowd.
On guard at the water’s edge of Beijing’s Summer Palace.
Skateboards, bikes and cars in Chinatown.
On the edge of South Delhi, a highway overpass carries a honking, roaring mass of traffic above our lunch location.
Looking in the window of a New York City hair salon.
On location in New York City’s Chinatown.
Looking for spare coins in the afternoon sun on a New Delhi bridge.
While filming in the Tehkhand region of southwest Delhi, a scene from an alley — just a few feet from where I took Back Breaking.
A man on his phone.
At a central intersection in Ulaanbaatar.
In the Jaitpoor neighbourhood of south Delhi, a gate and wall to a family’s compound.
In an empty lot near the house of a TB health worker we visited, men gather to play cards and draw an excited crowd.
Amidst the crowds and jockeying for fares outside the Lotus Temple, a rickshaw driver pauses for a photo.
On the streets of Ulaanbaatar.
Returning to the Jasola area after a long day of shooting in the Jaitpoor neighbourhood, the taxi is crossing under the highway that rings New Delhi.