Category: Street


One of the many tracts of abandoned row homes in the city where 16 of 16 houses on a block are boarded up. Block after block. Street after…


One of the blocks near Johns Hopkins Hospital where every single home is abandoned and boarded up to some degree. A common sight around the city.

Take Me To The Riot

The woman behind the front desk, Olivetta, said there is violence in the city today. Police are clearing out the hawkers and touts from the main road toward the Capital City neighborhood, and people on the streets are reacting by throwing stones and resisting the police. “Don’t go there.”

Remembering George

On a cloudy February day in Paris almost 12 years ago, I walked into the cramped store on the Left Bank and was awed. It was a scene of wall to wall books. Floor to ceiling, piled on tables and shelves, stacked on the floor, spilling out onto the sidewalk, where tattered and used titles were in a box marked ’15f’ (about $3). I had never seen anything like it. Or smelled anything like it. It was a pure, unadulterated literary paradise.