• City Ahead

    Somewhere in rural Pennsylvania, with a the lights of a city ahead.

  • Going

    Somewhere along the Bloor-Danforth line.

  • Train and Statue

    A southbound train nearing a stop at Museum station.

  • Uphill Station

    A view from one station platform to another, somewhere along Line 4.

  • South at Davisville

    Looking south from the bridge at Davisville station, just as the snow starts to fly.

  • Freighter and Trees

    The silhouettes of trees on the near side of the harbor are thrown against a freighter, docked in downtown Owen Sound.

  • Instruction Tile

    One of the escalators up to track level at Warden Station.

  • Bike Traffic

    Along a canal near Centraal Station.

  • Droplets

    From the plane at Schiphol, heading toward Nice, France on a rainy June morning.

  • Inbound Rush

    Just before the closing of the subway doors, at a station on the Bloor-Danforth line.

  • Missing Map

    Another empty corner of Warden station, on Toronto’s east side.

  • Straightaway

    On the morning approach to Budapest from Prague.

  • Tied Ferries

    Massive ferries tied to the pier at Santorini’s port.

  • Danube Morning

    A morning crossing of the Danube River, from the train window.

  • Biker at George

    From an eastbound streetcar, taken just a few minutes after Biker on King.

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