In The Beginning

Rennes, France

Casting off for an extended voyage is a paradigm shift in the experience of usual, brief sojourns. I cherish the basics: Having only beginning and end points to a trip. The freedom to think of time as a minor, abstract detail — able to move in any direction, to capitalize on any moment. Spontaneity. Serendipity. Experience. As for so many travelers, these themes have become my very definition of escape.

Yet eventually, airplanes bring us home. Souvenirs get put in boxes. Photo albums go on shelves. We pick up where we left off.

Spontaneity. Serendipity. Experience. As for so many travelers, these themes have become my very definition of escape.

Back in the “real world,” reflecting on even the simple and mundane experiences — street performers playing for a museum queue, a mad scramble for a departing ferry, a late-night train transfer in the middle of nowhere — can be like a step into some magical world, when those subtleties are cast in the longing light of time gone by.

I write to capture some of the magic of travel, not to hang on to a fleeting past, but to fuel an exciting future. I hope you enjoy reading about travel as much as I enjoy writing about it.

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