Today’s freight train explosion happened just a few kilometers from where I live. I didn’t hear or feel the blast, but those exact same tracks run along the end of my block and the train would have passed by me a few minutes later on its way south. So it got me thinking about trains.
The first bombs fell about 10 pm. Their arrival was no surprise — journalists left the city two days prior. Residents gathered in Cold War-era shelters as the air raid sirens wailed and radio reports warned of the need for gas masks. The state-run television station blinked out. Explosions erupted around the city and the lights went black.
A year in photos. With this post, I am relaunching my site after about a year away. In that time, there were many developments, many destinations and many photos. This shot comes from the incredible, bird-shaped Satolas TGV station at the Lyon Saint Exupery Airport, in Lyon, France. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, this building is the nexus between land and sky, plane, car and train. Going forward, there will be much more. A year away from blogging, and a growing archive of stories and pictures, leads me to a year of posting. I’ve come full circle. And with it, day one of 365. A year in photos.