• South Island Dusk

    Ten years ago today, I returned from three weeks around New Zealand. I’ve posted most of the photos that I like from the trip, but revisiting the collection yielded a few more. This is an unmodified scan of a slide. The grain, the colours, the exposure — all as it was recorded when I pulled off the road to take this picture.

  • City Ahead

    Somewhere in rural Pennsylvania, with a the lights of a city ahead.

  • Sharp Right

    1:30am, somewhere in the middle of PA, out of cell phone range, on a route that was anything but direct (thanks, Google).

  • Mountain Tunnel

    Along I-76, in the western part of Pennsylvania, is the Allegheny Mountain Tunnel. I’ve tried to photograph it before (while driving), but this is the first time I’ve taken something I’ve liked.

  • One Lane Plus Train - Near Hokitika, New Zealand

    Lookout Ahead

    Driving more than 2500 km around New Zealand is an endeavour filled with hazards. But winding roads and falling rocks and monsoon rains are to be expected. It’s the bridges I’m not prepared for. Constructing highways through challenging landscapes has led to bridge designs that are rather shocking by North American standards.

  • Switchback - Milford Sound, New Zealand

    Send in the Marines

    The road from the Purple Cow Hostel in Wanaka to the glaciers of the west coast takes us past Puzzle Town and it’s massive 3-D maze (open on Christmas day!). We push on through amazing mountain vistas toward Haast and through Mount Aspiring National Park and the Blue Pools. Weird mailboxes. Abandoned and dilapidated shacks.

  • Glimpse - Near Christchurch, New Zealand

    Your karma just ran over my dogma

    Two hours from Christchurch, through low, grass-covered hills, we swing around a bend. The road stretches out across a massive plain of grass and flowers and sparse trees, sliced in two by the grey road — a straight shot that stretches out until it disappears at the base of the Southern Alps.