Passy Sortie
A late night train near the Eiffel Tower, from my brief visit to Paris in December.
A late night train near the Eiffel Tower, from my brief visit to Paris in December.
From a night of rain, food, and a mad dash around the city to capture as many good shots as possible during a short layover, the streaks and beams of the Eiffel Tower from atop the Pont de Bir-Hakeim.
Empty streets. Quiet but for the grinding rumble of snowplow blades scraping the pavement. Fresh snow underfoot. More than two feet between Friday and Saturday. A city paralyzed. And beauty all around.
The bridge and colonnaded viaduct Pont de Bir-Hakeim, with a southbound 6 train.
This trip’s look at the Victoria & Albert Waterfront ferris wheel.
At the Rosedale subway station, an empty, salt-covered platform just before midnight in March.
Long exposures just after dark, as the waves crash in from the sea.
A late-night laundry, overseen by a stuffed parrot.
After a day of hunting mushrooms and eating, a walk around the tiny town of Isona.
As the remaining minutes of the afternoon were overtaken by a clear night sky in Beijing, the swirling mass of people buying tickets never stopped. Hundreds, thousands streaming by. Except for one man on his phone.
Looking west on Astoria Boulevard in Queens.
While approaching Waterloo Station, an outbound train at rush hour.
From the train window, cranes and buildings rise up in southwest London.
Midnight at the Louvre.
An untouched sidewalk along an unusually quiet Germantown Road, courtesy of the “Polar Vortex.”
On the edge of a parking lot, about 25cm worth of snow.
Seen last night while walking the empty streets.
Continuing my series of night shots from the streets of Lyon.
On the streets of Lyon, another view of the intersection where Can and Arrow was taken.
The westbound platform of the Amtrak station in Harper’s Ferry, looking toward the Potomac River just after sunset.