Boom Scenario
Empty streets. Quiet but for the grinding rumble of snowplow blades scraping the pavement. Fresh snow underfoot. More than two feet between Friday and Saturday. A city paralyzed. And beauty all around.
Empty streets. Quiet but for the grinding rumble of snowplow blades scraping the pavement. Fresh snow underfoot. More than two feet between Friday and Saturday. A city paralyzed. And beauty all around.
As the cold and snow recedes for the year, a look back to an evening glimpse outside Archives station.
An untouched sidewalk along an unusually quiet Germantown Road, courtesy of the “Polar Vortex.”
On the edge of a parking lot, about 25cm worth of snow.
Seen last night while walking the empty streets.
Looking north into Maryland from West Virginia as a freight train rolls south on the leftmost bridge, with the remnants of a third on the right. The rocky outcrop is where Potomac Bridges was taken.
The westbound platform of the Amtrak station in Harper’s Ferry, looking toward the Potomac River just after sunset.
Looking down on Harper’s Ferry from the trail above the river.
An opening along the trail above Harper’s Ferry.
Where in 1862, the Union Army hunkered down for its eventual battle with the Confederates.
In the fresh snow of late night Washington DC, the streets were quiet enough to be able to stand in the middle and take pictures. This is the National Gallery of Art’s East Gallery, taken from Pennsylvania Ave.
With the streets virtually empty immediately after a big snowfall, photography in major intersections gets a whole lot easier.
Fresh, wet flakes came to an end just before midnight. A Yamaha was parked out front.
It’s like seasons are some kind of strange new invention this year. They’re actually happening. After hearing about airport cancellations, train pre-cancellations and other talk of snowmageddon, the flakes finally arrived in DC about 8pm. The city looked great. And today? Glad I’m not supposed to be on a plane.
Having acquired some kind of cold in Marrakech, I’ve started to cough. I hoped that good food and the warm air would snuff it out before it (and I) became a nuisance. No such luck. I awake today to begin a two-day mountain trek with a full-blown hacking cough.