Rusting Beam Toronto, Ontario A detail of the famous Cherry Street Bridge. Post date November 9, 2013 Post categories In: Architecture, Street Tags Tagged: bridge Post navigation ←Previous post:Missing Bulb→Next post:55
The Newest Bridge On the eastern side of Paris, near the Gare de Austerlitz, is Paris’ newest bridge. Named the Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir, in honour of the French existentialist author, philosopher and… Post date January 31, 2012
Bridge and Hill In reviewing the photos from this trip, I found several that I never got around to editing. This is the first from that “new” group. Post date May 28, 2009
Blurred Traffic Standing on Pont des Arts and looking east at the steady traffic underneath Pont Neuf along Voie Georges Pompidou. Post date July 27, 2013