• Go play outside

    A spring day in the Oregon hills, not far from Portland.

  • Feeling Small

    Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom…is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go. – Anthony Bourdain

  • 20 Good Chutes

    Lines of jumpers had been exiting C-47s and C-130s all day, their chutes unfurling as they left the aircraft doors. Standing in the drop zone shooting photos all morning, the USAF Combat Controllers had seen me running back and forth as people came in, landed, packed up and left. In a pause between airplanes, one Controller said to me, “Watch – these guys will be different.”

  • Morning at Iron Mike

    The bridge was critical. As the invasion of Normandy began, seizing and holding the La Fière bridge was one of three central objectives for the USAF. This route was essential for movement inland from Utah Beach and to prevent German reinforcements from moving west. It simply couldn’t be done without securing the bridge.

  • Toledo Sunset

    The curve of the Tagus river, in a huge panorama, shot from Mirador del Valle. One of my favourite prints from my collection was seeing this image as a triptych, each about 4 feet high, with 6 inches of white matting and a white frame. Stunning presentation on a large wall.

  • Two Trees Against the Coming Storm

      After two weeks of being mostly offline, a return to posting. This incredible cloud formation was just minutes before the sky around Lake Naivasha opened with a massive storm.

  • Mountains and Desert

    The craggy, green emptiness of the Gobi, in a National Park a few hours from Dalanzadgad.

  • The Coming Storm

    In the late afternoon light, we race across the South Gobi to reach Dalanzadgad before the sky rips open.

  • Afternoon Hike

    A late afternoon hike near Paarl. It’s not every day that you see warnings to “Beware of Mountain Lions.”

  • Thirds

    Cold water after a long and difficult hike to the top of Cerro Chato, a dormant volcano near La Fortuna, Costa Rica. The proportions made me think of Mark Rothko.

  • Pacific Surf

    On the beach in Lima, watching surfers navigate the late afternoon swells.

  • Gobi Outpost

    A solitary settlement amidst the low dunes of the Gobi Desert, just outside Dalanzadgad, Mongolia. All the essentials (left to right): mean guard dog (who chased our Hummer), ger, motorbike, truck, another motorbike.

  • Heavy Seas

    Long exposures just after dark, as the waves crash in from the sea.

  • Dark Sands

    The dunes of Mongolia, a few hours drive from Dalanzadgad.

  • Gobi Sky

    There were many shots out the window of moving cars on this trip, but this continues to be one of my favourites. Also, it was out the window of our Hummer.

  • Arctic Clouds

    A rare break in the clouds from 39,000 feet (11.8km) above the Arctic Ocean, on the route between Washington and Seoul.

  • Escarpment Farm

    From a path along the Bruce Trail, near Big Bay, looking south.

  • Over the Border

    In Great Falls Park, looking across the Potomac River to Virginia.

  • Village View

    A hot day with storms brewing. From the bridge between Phalombe’s Healthy Center and the village.

  • Table Mountain

    Table Mountain, as seen while hanging out my hotel window in Cape Town.

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