• Saint-Exupery Airport TGV Station, Lyon, France


    A year in photos. With this post, I am relaunching my site after about a year away. In that time, there were many developments, many destinations and many photos. This shot comes from the incredible, bird-shaped Satolas TGV station at the Lyon Saint Exupery Airport, in Lyon, France. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, this building is the nexus between land and sky, plane, car and train. Going forward, there will be much more. A year away from blogging, and a growing archive of stories and pictures, leads me to a year of posting. I’ve come full circle. And with it, day one of 365. A year in photos.

  • Red Light, Dark Sky

    After working in the east African country of Malawi for two weeks, an unexpected 30 hours in The Netherlands was a world of nearly polar opposites. A walk around Amsterdam, a train to Maastricht, carnival celebrations and snow. This was taken in Utrecht, in the all-too-brief minutes between changing trains, bound for Schiphol on a Sunday afternoon.

  • Night Trains

    For my first blog post of 2012, a return to familiar and loved subjects: train stations, train travel, Paris and, more broadly, Europe. I’ve returned to Paris after a 6 year absence from the city, and although I now have digital photo gear, I’m resisting temptation to reshoot old favourites. Well, mostly resisting.

  • Terminal 1

    From seat 18A, en route to Paris’ CDG Terminal 2.

  • 50Z

    Looking eastbound toward Monaco from the Nice station, tracks converge before a bridge and tunnel out of the city centre.

  • Leaving Holland

    Climbing southward out of Amsterdam, bound for Paris. The forests and farms of The Netherlands about to disappear below the clouds.

  • Contrast

    Stone, sky and vapour. Midday on the streets of Cannes.

  • Empty Seats

    The empty gate area at A66, about 9:30pm.

  • Tram at A66

    Walking just the distance of a few gates in Detroit’s McNamara Terminal, our global connectivity laid bare. Cleveland, Seoul, Amsterdam, Sault Sainte Marie. A few steps but a window to the world. It never stops seeming cool to me. And as a global health practitioner, in the coolness are challenges.

  • Westbound in Monaco

    On the road. In Europe. It’s great to be back abroad again. I’m working, but it’s still so nice. This is a reprise of photo shot years ago on black and white film.

  • Terminal at Noon

    From the chaos of weather and delayed flights, a surprise trip to Paris. And necessary, if I was to arrive in Nice today. Thousands of people streaming in from almost 100 countries has made space in Cannes a hot commodity. So when my flight from JFK was delayed and I missed my connection to Nice, I went from Amsterdam to Paris for yet another leg onward. 26 hours of travel and 5 airports later, the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity begins tomorrow and it looks to be great.

  • Passing By

    Taken on my amazing Mediterranean trip in 2004, I’ve reprocessed this one to have more contrast and detail from inside the train. I’ve missed the photography of European trains and stations, but hopefully that drought will soon end.

  • Broadway and 34th

    After midnight, on the route between Brooklyn and and Penn Station.

  • Take The D Train

    At the Broadway-Lafayette St. station in SoHo, headed for Brooklyn.

  • Where You Headed?

    The wall of Dupont Station, directly behind me when I took this shot.

  • Bright Tunnel

    From the Westbound section of the Toronto’s Sheppard subway line, this is a different take on the tunnel-in-motion look I posted previously.

  • Stairs, Tiles and Train

    My previous wanderings around the Toronto transit system had never really included the Spadina-Downsview section of the map. Lots of interesting locations out there, including this from Dupont Station.

  • Snowy Subway

    Outside the Navy Archives/Penn Quarter Metro station after a few hours of snowfall.

  • Eastbound on Sheppard

    The bouncing and rattling of the older model subway car on the Sheppard line wasn’t conducive to smooth long-exposure photos. In all, it took more than 50 attempts to get 2 that I’m happy with.

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