Saint-Exupery Airport TGV Station, Lyon, France


Lyon, France

A year in photos. With this post, I am relaunching my site after about a year away. In that time, there were many developments, many destinations and many photos.

This shot comes from the incredible, bird-shaped Satolas TGV station at the Lyon Saint Exupery Airport, in Lyon, France. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, this building is the nexus between land and sky, plane, car and train — an appropriate reference for the gap in my publishing.

The site is new, and dedicated to photoblogging. There’s lots to see and read: Stories from years on the road, going back to my first adventures abroad, continuing through the amazing summer of 2004, when “blogging” meant sending emails to a hundred like-minded travel addicts. Photos scanned from slides and black-and-white film I developed myself. Huge panoramas made possible by my 2007 switch to digital. It’s all here.

Going forward, there will be much more. A year away from blogging, and a growing archive of stories and pictures, leads me to a year of posting. I’ve come full circle. And with it, day one of 365. A year in photos.


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  • April 1, 2013 at 11:50 pm

    What an awesome photo to open with. It tugs at my heart strings, as this place will always hold a special place in my heart. Je t’aime, Lyon!

    • April 2, 2013 at 12:14 am
      In reply to: KC Kent

      Thanks! And there will be more to come from Lyon, too. Sadly, none of them will be of the wild food that I had to eat there.

  • July 21, 2013 at 9:09 am

    Looks great. Where are the people?

    • July 21, 2013 at 9:15 am
      In reply to: oldshutterhand

      Thanks! This wasn’t staged at all, it was just empty on a Sunday morning.

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