Window Glare Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia City traffic. Post date July 25, 2014 Post categories In: People, Transport, Uncategorized Tags Tagged: bus Post navigation ←Previous post:Under Construction→Next post:Red Crossing
Morning Ride Just two steps outside my hotel in Geneva, I didn’t even have time to raise the camera and aim. A lucky shot. Post date June 16, 2013
Afternoon Ride Quietness amidst the chaos of the endless traffic jams of Lima. Post date December 11, 2014
Waiting Mothers Just outside the main room of the Pediatric Ward, two mothers wait with their children. Post date April 21, 2013
Ride on, Cowboy. It’s awful. Really. So impossible looking is this, well, thing, that seeing it in person has served to shatter the mythical tales of its triumphant use.The legendary Trojan Horse is probably the most ridiculous looking thing I have ever seen. Post date July 23, 2004