• Stay warm

    The sound seems to carry farther on cold mornings. Sharp little snapping sounds as shoes click along the floor, the odd bit of salt underfoot.

  • Looking ahead

    Queen Street, east of Yonge. A crowded streetcar on a cold Saturday afternoon offers respite from the biting wind.

  • Empty York

    Speeding Saturday Selfie.

  • Leaving York

    A lone passenger at York University station. Empty trains, empty halls.

  • Platform Portrait

    Morning rush on the platform at Spadina subway station.

  • Checking In

    Checking in, new and old-school. Seen at Bloor Station.

  • Curves Ahead - TTC Subway tunnel, Toronto, Ontario

    Curves Ahead

    It’s much harder to capture these types of shots in Toronto now. The new trains don’t allow access to front/rear windows and old trains have glass that is dirty and etched from years of salt and dirt. But when they work out, these shots should be printed big.

  • Finch Hallway

    From a trip to my old neighborhood.

  • Davisville Yellow

    A distinct splash of colour amidst the muted tones of Davisville station.

  • Do Not Enter

    A Kipling-bound train arrives, while plenty of people wonder why someone is setting up a tripod to shoot into the mouth of the tunnel at the end of the platform.

  • Finch Gates

    From a cold night in Toronto, walking around the system and ending up in my old neighbourhood at Finch station. This shot is also my first post to Instagram. You can find me at GetInTheDistance.

  • Late Train

    A lone passenger departed a late night train at Finch station – the end of the line.

  • Rosedale

    At the Rosedale subway station, an empty, salt-covered platform just before midnight in March.

  • St. Clair Departure

    A cold afternoon at St. Clair West. Update: Just by chance I posted this on the 60th Birthday of the Yonge subway. Thanks for all the shots. Well, and all the transit. 

  • Running

    At Eglington Station.

  • Dupont Stairs

    The retro lights and tiles of Dupont Station.

  • Three Exits

    Turnstyles on the west side of the Museum station.

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