• Go play outside

    A spring day in the Oregon hills, not far from Portland.

  • Feeling Small

    Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom…is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go. – Anthony Bourdain

  • A Parque of Many Paths

    A week of work, a day off, a walk through the park. I’ve been sidelined from posting lately, but I’ve been thinking of Spain and it’s time to get back to photography.

  • Two Trees Against the Coming Storm

      After two weeks of being mostly offline, a return to posting. This incredible cloud formation was just minutes before the sky around Lake Naivasha opened with a massive storm.

  • Mountains and Desert

    The craggy, green emptiness of the Gobi, in a National Park a few hours from Dalanzadgad.

  • The Coming Storm

    In the late afternoon light, we race across the South Gobi to reach Dalanzadgad before the sky rips open.

  • Boom Scenario

    Empty streets. Quiet but for the grinding rumble of snowplow blades scraping the pavement. Fresh snow underfoot. More than two feet between Friday and Saturday. A city paralyzed. And beauty all around.

  • Giraffe

    From a fabulous visit to the African Fund For Endangered Wildlife. I could watch these massive, fascinating creatures all day.

  • Thirds

    Cold water after a long and difficult hike to the top of Cerro Chato, a dormant volcano near La Fortuna, Costa Rica. The proportions made me think of Mark Rothko.

  • Sitges Surf

    Late afternoon rocks by the church and the main beach promenade.

  • Flower Market

    Some of the beautiful flowers for sale at the Pike Place Market. 

  • Coastal Trees

    A hike through a forest near the Kingston ferry terminal where enormous cedars shoot straight into the sky.

  • Fallingwater

    The masterpiece of 20th century residential architecture.

  • Blossoms

    At this year’s celebration, a great day on the Mall.

  • Campanule

    Thinking of Spring and the flowers for sale along Rue Mouffetard.

  • Escarpment Farm

    From a path along the Bruce Trail, near Big Bay, looking south.

  • Cove Wave

    The Coves of La Jolla on a cloudy summer day.

  • Highway Lights

    An untouched sidewalk along an unusually quiet Germantown Road, courtesy of the “Polar Vortex.”

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