Pacific Surf
On the beach in Lima, watching surfers navigate the late afternoon swells.
On the beach in Lima, watching surfers navigate the late afternoon swells.
A rare break in the clouds from 39,000 feet (11.8km) above the Arctic Ocean, on the route between Washington and Seoul.
After a long hiatus from posting pictures, I’m back with something somewhat new. This is a 3 shot (-2, 0, +2) HDR of the Gulf Of Mexico, processed using the amazing tools in the new Photoshop. More to come, I hope, and sooner than six months.
June is one of the few months that the San Diego area sees clouds, cold and even rain, and my short visit had all of the above. It was still a spectacular weekend, although I didn’t take nearly as many photos as I had hoped.
The temperature has risen considerably in the past few days, both across the country as a whole and especially as we have moved northward, leaving us to regret not having taken the time for a trip to Merzouga for a camel trek across the sand dunes of the Sahara.
Having acquired some kind of cold in Marrakech, I’ve started to cough. I hoped that good food and the warm air would snuff it out before it (and I) became a nuisance. No such luck. I awake today to begin a two-day mountain trek with a full-blown hacking cough.
Despite the theft of my wallet and the ensuing hassle that caused, Lisbon (are its residents called “Lisbians”?) was nice. Any city moves up in my rankings when it can offer me an enormous meal of a whole fish, soup, potatoes and vegetables for less than five dollars.
As I write this from an internet cafe in Auckland, I am awaiting lunch, awaiting my bus to the airport, awaiting my flight home (fingers crossed for a cancellation). New Rule: Buses loaded with Japanese tourists, faces pressed to the glass, all holding cameras (some holding two), can appear at any time, in any location.
On the bus to Rotorua, light is fading and we’re rolling across Middle Earth. Well, northern Middle Earth. Sheep and horses and merinos dot roadside pastures. They’re around every curve out here, and an hour south of Auckland, there have been a lot of curves.
I normally begin a trip recounting the items, often essential, that I’ve forgotten. And while this excursion isn’t without a few minor wayward objects, the major gear is all with me. As the days tick by, however, I’m now progressively losing stuff. At this rate, it’ll be me and whatever I can stuff into my pockets.