• Davisville Yellow

    A distinct splash of colour amidst the muted tones of Davisville station.

  • Waiting.

    Amidst the continuous flow of trains, people and cargo (living and otherwise) in and out of the New Delhi Railway Station, some trains fill and wait. And wait.

  • Do Not Enter

    A Kipling-bound train arrives, while plenty of people wonder why someone is setting up a tripod to shoot into the mouth of the tunnel at the end of the platform.

  • Finch Gates

    From a cold night in Toronto, walking around the system and ending up in my old neighbourhood at Finch station. This shot is also my first post to Instagram. You can find me at GetInTheDistance.

  • Late Train

    A lone passenger departed a late night train at Finch station – the end of the line.

  • Rosedale

    At the Rosedale subway station, an empty, salt-covered platform just before midnight in March.

  • Railway Queues

    As the remaining minutes of the afternoon were overtaken by a clear night sky in Beijing, the swirling mass of people buying tickets never stopped. Hundreds, thousands streaming by. Except for one man on his phone.

  • Full Carriage

    One of a constant stream of fully-packed trains departing New Delhi.

  • Underpass

    Crossing from Ulaanbaatar’s main platform to a second set of tracks as a huge train approaches departure time.

  • Wrap Before Shipping

    On the platforms of the New Delhi train station, all kinds of things are on carts awaiting the constant flow of trains. Sacks of rice. Cartons of eggs. Bottled water. It’s all ported by hand in and out of the storage compartments at the terminal ends of each train. This cart had just been loaded from a recent arrival and was being secured.

  • Quiet Station

    Evening trains at Gare du Nord, as listed on the Departures board.

  • The Last Stop

    The Cité station, in the center of Paris, isn’t the last stop on the Metro’s Line 4. But after one year of daily photo posts, this shot is the end of the line for my yearlong project. 365 posts ago, I set out to try something different.

  • Inside the Bird

    Inside Santiago Calatrava’s Satolas train station at the Lyon airport.

  • Snow at Archives

    As the cold and snow recedes for the year, a look back to an evening glimpse outside Archives station.

  • St. Clair Departure

    A cold afternoon at St. Clair West. Update: Just by chance I posted this on the 60th Birthday of the Yonge subway. Thanks for all the shots. Well, and all the transit. 

  • Numero 15

    Looking out at the end of the platform of Gare St. Lazare.

  • Pick One

    Pick One

    A magical sound: the clacking of the departures board as updated times and destinations scroll upward on the list. Sometimes the updates are a single row, sometimes the whole board erupts in fluttering cacophony of times and places and platforms.

  • Nord From the Bridge

    Toward the station, where I filmed test sequences of a short film I hope to finish.

  • Running

    At Eglington Station.

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