Empty York
Speeding Saturday Selfie.
Speeding Saturday Selfie.
A lone passenger at York University station. Empty trains, empty halls.
It’s much harder to capture these types of shots in Toronto now. The new trains don’t allow access to front/rear windows and old trains have glass that is dirty and etched from years of salt and dirt. But when they work out, these shots should be printed big.
A late night train near the Eiffel Tower, from my brief visit to Paris in December.
From a trip to my old neighborhood.
The bridge and colonnaded viaduct Pont de Bir-Hakeim, with a southbound 6 train.
Heading back into the subway after an early morning shoot. This shot was taken just shortly after my wet plate-style shot of Pont Neuf.
A vintage feel.
A distinct splash of colour amidst the muted tones of Davisville station.
A Kipling-bound train arrives, while plenty of people wonder why someone is setting up a tripod to shoot into the mouth of the tunnel at the end of the platform.
From a cold night in Toronto, walking around the system and ending up in my old neighbourhood at Finch station. This shot is also my first post to Instagram. You can find me at GetInTheDistance.
A lone passenger departed a late night train at Finch station – the end of the line.
At the Rosedale subway station, an empty, salt-covered platform just before midnight in March.
The Cité station, in the center of Paris, isn’t the last stop on the Metro’s Line 4. But after one year of daily photo posts, this shot is the end of the line for my yearlong project. 365 posts ago, I set out to try something different.
As the cold and snow recedes for the year, a look back to an evening glimpse outside Archives station.
A cold afternoon at St. Clair West. Update: Just by chance I posted this on the 60th Birthday of the Yonge subway. Thanks for all the shots. Well, and all the transit.
Waiting for a Manhattan-bound N train at Astoria Blvd and 31st Street on a cold afternoon.
At Eglington Station.
The retro lights and tiles of Dupont Station.
A quiet Sunday on the West side of Toronto.