Lyon Rooftops Lyon, France Looking east across the city from outside the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière. Post date May 18, 2013 Post categories In: Architecture, Street Tags Tagged: church, rooftop Post navigation ←Previous post:Lit Stream→Next post:Reprise
Single Passenger Just one (bundled) person braves the January cold of the uncovered portion of the tour boat. Post date October 31, 2013
Summer View Out my hotel window on a June day, in the 5th arrondissement. Post date February 10, 2014
How Do You Say %#!@* in Portugese? Probably the same way you say “Stupid Tourist.” I would like to say it was a dark and stormy night, as if that was some kind of excuse. But it was the middle of the afternoon. And I had no excuse. Post date May 17, 2004
Lyon from Above From the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, looking east across Lyon and towards the mountains. Post date August 18, 2013